Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What the Crap?

Just thought I'd throw out there to the internet at large, that this is the refining ground, primarily for the stories of Scott, though also for the stories of myself, Joshua, the ever writing Brittany, and our good ol' buddy Austin, maybe more will be added later.

As a reminder, be certain to check each individual blog as we write.  There'll likely be more posts there for the other three, can't vouch for myself though, as posting to my blog is not a strong point for me.  Reading and editing however, is, so you'll see a few contributions here and there from me as edits are posted, mostly in the form of revised versions of Scott's work.

Anyway, happy reading, try not to miss out on anything.

1 comment:

  1. hey all, i just got on this site to join. i should have my very own internet source in the mail monday or tuesday, so i'll have a chance to catch up with everyone and contribute something of my own.
